14 januari 2010

Professor down!

Good news everyone, we found a way to bring Putricide down ;D Took us three tries as you can see, and it was really close at the end - one person even died twice, thank God for druids!
Right now it feels like we've got the perfect team, even though we don't have a shammy or a DK for buffs. Never thought I'd say it but we actually need some DK dps in the guild now, our best player quit wow yesterday, so I hope we'll get a nice app coming soon. Speaking of applications it's amazing how many we've gotten over such a short period of time, some well written and others... not. Perhaps it's not weird since we're one of the two endgame raiding guilds on the server, and we're more casual than our nemesis Unification.
No huge news on the Terokkar drama front, just some in-game couple breaking up, she posted something mean about him on the forums, he went on her account and deleted all her characters. Gotta love it!
(You know you love me, xoxo, and so on)

07 januari 2010

Being a girl in the World of Warcraft

Over my year of playing this game I've sometimes encountered people who think that girls have it so much easier in this game when it comes to being picked for raids, being given gold, getting priority over loot, etc. It's a very common misconception and I can't really understand where or when it started, if anything I can see why it would be -harder- to play the game as a girl.
a) OMG, A GIRL! You get a lot of creepy guys whispering you, especially after your voice confirming on vent that you're a girl. Don't get me wrong, I love talking to new people and I've also made some good friends through random whispers, both ones that I've initiated and vice versa. So long as they're decent and clean I'm positive towards it.
b) it can sometimes be harder to hang out with and get accepted by the guys in the "gang". You have to prove that you can be just as tough as they are and that you don't need any special treatment, a girl is able to take a joke just as well as a guy does - if not better sometimes ;P
c) numerous times I've gotten the comment that "You're quite a good player for a girl". For a girl? Since when are girls not as good as playing computer games as guys? By all means, guys overall tend to play more computer games than girls, but in no way do they have some gene that makes them better at playing them.
d) constantly getting compared to other girls in-game. If you would put a picture up on your guild forums, you would get evaluated and compared to other girls that have done the same, it's just the way it is. Sure, guys can joke around about someone having a beard and tell them to l2 shave, but that's about as far as it goes. Sometimes they even evaluate you in guild chat, for you and everyone else to see, and that can be quite... disrespectful. I don't want to hear if I'm "fuckable", "cute as a button" or an "ugly bitch", keep that to yourself. If I want to get judged based on looks, I'd just run my photos by a modeling agency, kthx?

All that being said, it can also be a good thing to be a girl. On vent, you don't have to say your name every time you tell "Add on me!" or "I've got the burning bile!", they all know who it is anyway. Guys tend to believe that girls are more sensitive and understanding, and they turn to you for advice, which makes you see their soft side too - something that the other guys won't ;)
Wall of text yet again, but it's only to delay my packing by writing something long with zero substance in it ^_^

(The screenshot has nothing to do with it, it's just kind of dedicated to Cidien. Kudos to you for getting all your mounts, I don't get how you do it. I got that achievement last week xD And yes, I do have a lot of crap in my bags)

05 januari 2010

Keh, really bad at updating this thing, it seems... ahwell, better late than never I guess. The guild has been very quiet over the holidays, and we've mostly done some funraids like Ulduar, ICC 10 and so on. The other day we managed to get a mint group for ToGC 10 which gave us hope of an Insanity run, which we've waited for ages for. Slight problem with our maintank and rogue dps made us have to replace them with another tank and a marksman hunter (which made everyone happyhappy of course).
Everything went smoothly up until Anub, where we somehow managed to land two patches of ice on top of each other, which resulted in the spikes consuming both of them as they were ran under them. Devastated we managed to get the first three adds down before they submerged, while still keeping dps up on Anub who had entered phase three already. We failed to get the last add down and eventually it came up to oneshot our offtank and then healers and dps, one by one. In the end, our main pally tank was the only one left up, bad thing was he couldn't bubble because of the forbearance debuff. He died when Anub was on 10k health. Ten fucking thousand health. That's like two auto shots, one explosive, half a kill shot.
Needless to say we were all devastated by this failure, but at least it means that we can definitely do it next week, and hopefully get a cheeky realm first on it. Go Vindíco!