04 december 2010

Pre-Cata boredom

So.. only three days left til there's actually something to do in this game. Been spending these last few weeks not raiding, but leveling alts and grinding rep in dungeons instead, which I'm fairly sick of. Can't wait to get some new quests and leveling to do, not to mention the new dungeons and raids - will be good.

Problem is, I have no idea whatsoever which char I want to make my main in the next explansion. My hunter has been the raiding character in WotLK but my priest and paladin have a lot of my attention at the moment, it's just more fun to be able to do more than just one thing, whereas my hunter's only good for damage. Tsktsk, we'll see what happens I guess.

Other than that I'm just looking for a new guild, I assume that it won't be too hard once some people have leveled to 85 and know what they want to play. Any suggestions would be lovely, as I've no idea whatsoever!