05 januari 2010

Keh, really bad at updating this thing, it seems... ahwell, better late than never I guess. The guild has been very quiet over the holidays, and we've mostly done some funraids like Ulduar, ICC 10 and so on. The other day we managed to get a mint group for ToGC 10 which gave us hope of an Insanity run, which we've waited for ages for. Slight problem with our maintank and rogue dps made us have to replace them with another tank and a marksman hunter (which made everyone happyhappy of course).
Everything went smoothly up until Anub, where we somehow managed to land two patches of ice on top of each other, which resulted in the spikes consuming both of them as they were ran under them. Devastated we managed to get the first three adds down before they submerged, while still keeping dps up on Anub who had entered phase three already. We failed to get the last add down and eventually it came up to oneshot our offtank and then healers and dps, one by one. In the end, our main pally tank was the only one left up, bad thing was he couldn't bubble because of the forbearance debuff. He died when Anub was on 10k health. Ten fucking thousand health. That's like two auto shots, one explosive, half a kill shot.
Needless to say we were all devastated by this failure, but at least it means that we can definitely do it next week, and hopefully get a cheeky realm first on it. Go Vindíco!

1 kommentar:

Steph sa...

Vad konstigt, bevakar din blogg med bloglovin men ÄNDÅ visar den inga uppdateringar, drygt!

Grattis iaf, ni tar insanity nästa gång! :)