12 april 2010

Update, at long last

Ok, so maybe I am just THE worst blogger ever or maybe I'm just lazy and forgetful in general. So our last guild didn't work out in the end (SURPRIIIISE) and we just joined a guild at random because we were so sick and tired of constantly having to organize everything. After easily boosting them through the first wing of ICC 25 we realized that that wasn't really what we were looking for either, we wanted endgame raiding and the ability to down bosses, in a competitive yet laidback environment. Maybe the WoW-Gods heard our prayers because they sent us Absolution from Quel'Thalas. Crossrealming because they couldn't find enough good players to do what they wanted on their current server they decided that Terokkar might be a good realm to come to. First night they spent in ICC with us and we downed both the first wing, Rotface and Festergut in no time at all. This might sound like total bullshit and no achievement at all to you but on Terokkar only one guild had downed Fester and Rotface before we did, so it was a rather big thing for us.
I joined Absolution the early morning after our raid after having spent some time on vent with the loonies from the guild. When I logged back on in the morning, the merge was already happening and most of the old core were in the guild.
Now, five weeks after we've merged we have one realm first Lich King kill behind us, and are currently very close to downing him on 25-man as well. I myself didn't get a clean kill on mr Lich until just two weeks ago, due to our team never being the same and people not showing up when they were supposed to - as per usual.

Along the way we have lost some of the players we've spent almost one year together with and while that is unfortunate, I think this guild is probably the best guild ever. Our guild leader always has the guild's best interest in mind and he's working very hard to keep everyone happy. While his ways of raidleading might not appeal to everyone, I think that you sometimes have to be serious to make everyone focus and to achieve what we want. There's plenty of time to fuck around outside of raids.
I guess everything can't be perfect but there's probably only one thing I'd add to this guild - another hunter. Since I'm currently the only one we have atm it does get a bit lonely in the hunter channel, and I don't have anyone to bitch with when they whine about stuff we fail on (cough, kinetic bombs). Our previous one felt he got a bit too much shit for his performance so he decided to leave last week, something that is bittersweet, obviously I want someone that I can trust when it comes to carrying out what we've been assigned to do.
I would also like him/her to be Marksman, since I don't really like this spec but play it since we need the buff /sigh

So why this longass post? Well, seeing as I can't get on my train to Stockholm and school I'm stuck here in Uppsala for the day and what is there to do other than write a stupid blog post when nothing at all is going on on WoW and I seem to have forgotten my mouse at home, tut tut.

Anyway, let's see how long it'll take until the new update comes, probably not too long since we probably have another Lichy raid tonight, one that I'm not particularly looking forward to if people can't bring their A-game.

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