19 november 2009

Gnomeland undergoing changes?

We got a new GM the other week, and stuff is already starting to change. From being a somewhat casual raiding guild we are now, with babysteps, approaching a transformation into being a semi-hardcore raiding guild. We've got the people (sort of) and we've got the skills, question is if we've got the attitude within all the members. Some seem to be more into raiding when they can get gear from it and when they feel like it. Obviously, raiding shouldn't occur if everyone feels that they want to do something else, but why on Earth be in a raiding guild to start with then?
After an angry post on the guild forums, at least the
issues got addressed and as of now, I think the officers are working on a solution that's gonna make most raiders happy. A new guild name (oh, I do hope it's gonna be something that at least looks serious), new ranks and hopefully some new recruits, at least I'd love the latter since I'm a total sucker for getting to know new people. Maybe even out the genders, as of now we've got two girls raiding and hopefully one or two more on the way. Guys, you better watch out, girlpower is on the way!

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