10 december 2009


If there was ever to be made a drama show out of a guild in WoW, ours would probably be the perfect subject of it. Starting off when I joined Slick Drills Quick Kills (which was initially an alt guild for a guild that broke up), we quickly found that we all love playing together, but we're just not enough people to create a stable 25-man team, with everyone having their personal life and whatnot. We had to take players in to fill the gaps in our team, ending up with having fail raids, players quitting and moving on to another guild, etc.
Needless to say, that guild fell apart and some decided to xrealm, which didn't really turn out to be a good idea. Meanwhile, one of the old members of SDQK decided to create a guild of his own - Gnomeland Security, and gradually the old core started to come back, and of course we once again needed new members to fill the gaps. The guild almost fell apart because of people going to the other raiding guild on the server, only to come right back again - they quickly noticed they didn't really want to be there, and that the social aspect of this game was of more importance than they initially thought. That's true - you get attached to people whether you like it or not.
Now, we got a new guild leader because the old one said he wouldn't be playing much for a while. The new GL started to change a lot of things and decided that it was a good idea to merge with the Alliance guild, which the old one didn't like, so he ragequit and said he was going to transfer. After a while he came back, only to get kicked out because of major attitude problems, and now he's decided to start yet another new guild, for future raiding purposes (least that's what he says) and now he's taken a few members from our guild who didn't get to raid as much as they would've wanted.
Now, this is pretty much a summary of all that's happened, but looking back at it we're all just a bunch of drama queens. Perhaps that's why we like each other so much..

... what was the purpose of this post again?

/end Merge

So, after a lot of technical issues we managed to get all the allies over to the better side of WoW, and now the guild is looking better than it ever has done before. We've got good dps, awesome healers, amazing tanks.. or well, that's the biggest issue - we just don't have enough geared tanks. Yesterday we managed to get three groups into ICC 10, which is pretty good. Only two of them cleared it though, my group was a bit unlucky with dc's and whatnot, so hoping that we can continue the run sometime later this week.
Tonight there's ICC 25 to look forward too though, and I must say that the setup for tonight is looking smashing, let's just hope that everyone who's confirmed will be there on time and ready to rock.
It does feel a bit weird to have 40 people online every night, but I think that's something I can definitely get used to - go Vindíco!

05 december 2009

ToC 25

So yesterday, we sent some of our players to assist Purple Bunnies of Doom in ToC 25, and I beat my dps record on the Twins, despite the 2 fps I was sporting, yay ^^, Sure, I'm positive that you've done a lot more than what I managed, but I don't care - it's my record!
Either way, I was happy it all went so smoothly as it did, only wipe we had was one on Anub, because we didn't have enough dps for the tactics we were using. I'm glad we got it on the second try though, because (and I know I've said it a million times) I HATE ANUB WITH A PASSION!
We did have some people to laugh at though, who didn't really care much for respecting the raid leader's way of doing things. Yes, you might think you know better but you're just a pug, so shut up until the right moment comes for you to suggest things and don't try to take over the whole thing.
Just as a pretty funny example, he ordered all the ranged to focus on my target every time we were going to take down the first pair of adds. I mean come on, I think everyone's capable of targeting a mob without the help of others, but apparently he didn't ;P

All in all it was a fun, albeit frustrating, run and I hope that next time it'll be even faster.

02 december 2009


So.. after never finding the right setup I finally got a group that could handle Anub, woop! We were ONE stupid attempt from the Mad Skill run because our main tank decided it was a good time to D/c on phase three when the offtank still had adds that hadn't burrowed /facefloor.
But, all in all it was a good run with cool people, and two bows dropped from Anub ^^, Think I should start gathering some offspec gear and try out Marksmanship for real, even though the rotation to me seems totally dull.
I loved one quote about playing Survival hunter, he said it was like playing "Whack-a-Mole" and to be quite fair, he does have a point, even though it's a tad more complicated than that.
Gnomeland is no more, instead we've changed name to Vindíco (note the silly accent over the second i), and we might soon be merging with an Alliance guild, if everything goes as planned, sure hope so!

And some sad news, our beloved resto druid Towelly decided to (literally) throw the towel in and quit the game, he's going to be mighty missed, 'specially by me since he was one of the main reasons I joined the previous guild we were in together. I'm still going to harass him in one way or another, he ain't getting rid of me that easily! I won't forget you, B <3

23 november 2009

Ulduar 10

After having been incredibly lazy when it comes to Ulduar, we've finally decided that we need to complete all the hardmodes (including Algalon of course), so yesterday we went in and got some of them. Freya and some others were completed the other week so we went for Razorfail and Flame Leviathan, for me anyway. It's awesome to be in a group where we all know our place and are able to cooperate nicely, without taking away the fun side of it.
I was talking to someone the other week and discussed the topic healing, and how they couldn't trust theirs. I have to admit, I never ever check my health in a raid, because I've gotten so used to not dying. Think that is one of the keys to best performance in a raid, if you're constantly worrying about your health and whether to pop a potion or a healthstone, you're not as aware of what's going on around you or your rotation.
Kudos to our pro healers, especially Caleon (priest), Martinique (paladin) and Towelly (druid) for always being dependable :D

20 november 2009

ToGC 10

So since the other team got A Tribute to Mad Skill last week, we decided that it was time to launch the second team - finally! I was a bit late, so had to be summoned in (apparently they had been waiting for me, sorry!) Either way, cleared it up to Anub with one wipe on each boss, one-shotting just doesn't suit us that well, and boosted an alt on the way.. sneaky rogues!
Anub turned out to be more of a challenge, but I think we can make it happen so long as we learn how to kite the spikes properly, it was a new fight for almost everyone in the group so it takes a bit to get used to, not to mention that Anub is like.. the bitchiest fight in the whole game, imo.
We had a pretty funny setup, with one of each class apart from mage, and we had two pallies instead. I'm not complaining though (blessings!)
We'll continue the run on Monday and hopefully get a sneaky shot at Algalon as well :)

19 november 2009

Gnomeland undergoing changes?

We got a new GM the other week, and stuff is already starting to change. From being a somewhat casual raiding guild we are now, with babysteps, approaching a transformation into being a semi-hardcore raiding guild. We've got the people (sort of) and we've got the skills, question is if we've got the attitude within all the members. Some seem to be more into raiding when they can get gear from it and when they feel like it. Obviously, raiding shouldn't occur if everyone feels that they want to do something else, but why on Earth be in a raiding guild to start with then?
After an angry post on the guild forums, at least the
issues got addressed and as of now, I think the officers are working on a solution that's gonna make most raiders happy. A new guild name (oh, I do hope it's gonna be something that at least looks serious), new ranks and hopefully some new recruits, at least I'd love the latter since I'm a total sucker for getting to know new people. Maybe even out the genders, as of now we've got two girls raiding and hopefully one or two more on the way. Guys, you better watch out, girlpower is on the way!

18 november 2009


Hey, I'm Tryptizol and I'm addicted to WoW. There, I said it.
Don't know why I created this blog, really, guess I just want somewhere to vent about all our crazy adventures online ^_^
I'm currently spending most of my time raiding on my survival hunter, which you can find here:
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Terokkar&n=Tryptizol, but of course I've also got a couple of alts that can entertain me when Anub asskicking isn't necessary.
I'm currently in the most epic guild ever, Gnomeland Security, which basically consists of an awesome group of people who know how to progress but also how to be amazing human beings with a lovely sense of humour.
Before I start babbling away too much, I guess I'll call it here. Moar to come, hopefully!
